среда, 26. мај 2010.

Uklanjanje nitrata iz vode-nova tehnologija

Nitrate contamination of drinking water poses serious health risks and has been found to exceed EPA limits in a number of states. In fact, according to the EPA, "infants below six months who drink water containing nitrite in excess of the maximum contaminant level (MCL) could become seriously ill and, if untreated, may die. Symptoms include shortness of breath and blue baby syndrome."

Nitron Ltd, Israel's largest private water treatment company, has developed a cutting edge technology to remove nitrates and deliver quality drinking water by using Selective Electro-Dialysis (SED) – a unique technology that is based on Electro Dialysis, not yet available in the United States. SED uses an electrical process to separate nitrates selectively from the water and concentrate it in separate cells. It replaces traditional technologies such as reverse osmosis or ion exchange with a simple, cost effective and energy efficient process with little maintenance and operating costs. Nitron's SED uses clean technology to extract nitrate from the water system, while using less energy and less chemicals with a high recovery rate (95%) of water that can be used.

The major source of nitrite contamination in drinking water is runoff from fertilizer use. However, contamination also is caused b leaching from septic tanks, sewage; and erosion of natural deposits. In 1974, Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) to regulate and monitor pollutants in drinking water. However, in states such as California, Ohio, Arizona and Illinois, nitrogen contamination, caused by fertilizer, erosion and other sources, is causing a number of wells and other groundwater sources to become undrinkable.

Nitron has been treating water for 15 years in Israel and implemented a variety of water projects for over 50 clients. With its experience in Israel, Nitron is now expanding its services in the North American market. With new plans, announced in March 2010, by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to overhaul its' efforts to safeguard drinking water and tighten restrictions on waterborne compounds that cause cancer, and the introduction of the Assistance, Quality and Affordability Act of 2010, by Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, that would reauthorize and increase funding for the drinking water state revolving fund (SRF) to help pay of water system improvements, their arrival in North America is timely. Their technology if used, could help local governments save money while protecting the public health of their citizens.

Nitron executives are available to comment on issues affecting the groundwater and drinking water in the United States, as well as on their latest technology to eliminate contaminants in the drinking water.

This includes:
Itai Noach, CEO, Nitron, Ltd.
Daniel Cohen, Nitron's Business Development Manager
Eran Eizik, Nitron's Business Development Manager for the U.S. market

About Nitron Ltd.
Nitron Ltd. Is Israel's largest water treatment company. Owned by Shikun & Binui, Israel's leading infrastructure and real estate. Nitron deliver BOT projects in Israel (finances, builds and operates) including installations for purifying municipal wastewater and treating polluted water, particularly nitrate contamination. They specialize in Nitrate removal, using Selective Electro-Dialysis (SED-their unique solution). Since 1997, Nitron has worked successful with 15 municipalities in Israel, saving over 55 percent on national water costs. For more information visit www.nitron.co.il.

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